• UNESCO status for bell ringing?
    Thanks Tina, the consultations held back in 2020 to consider the Council’s size and the various options to reduce the number of representatives were a good opportunity for a diverse section of folk to contribute to the discussion and canvas others' views so I hope a decent number register for this opportunity
  • Surrey Association MemberMojo example
    Lincoln and Sussex both use it.
  • What questions should be included in a survey about ringing?
    The start of this thread was about what questions to include in a survey about ringing, I wondered if it might not be a bad idea to try and guage better the steeplekeeper capacity as we can't ring bells that don't work.

    Robert Brown on a thread about fixing stays one a change-ringers email thread wrote:
    the problem is that most of the people fixing stuff in
    towers are getting older OR there are now lots of towers with no active
    bands and no one looking after the bells . Often issues are fixed by
    ringers from other towers but certainly in Devon there are large rural
    areas where ringing is very limited, PCCS are struggling to keep a roof on
    the building, they have no idea about bell maintenance or in many cases
    interest in the bells.

    As stated I fixed more than my share of stays over the years including
    towers which are nothing to do with me in reality , I have a ready supply of
    blank stays and the gear to make and modify stays , but not everyone and
    every tower is now in this position.
  • Pop-up (roller) banner designs
    https://cccbr.org.uk/resources/publicity-material/ - If you are thinking of buying your own banner or flag and would like the artwork, please contact Susan Hall:
  • Pop-up (roller) banner designs
    I like those QR codes John!
  • Wedding ringing charges
    An interesting thread. We've had this perennial chat on our local Association facebook group, the varied rate and the ringing before and after. No one size fits all is clear, like the ringers themselves. Regarding mileage expenses, perhaps I should another thread, if 45p per mile has been used by HMRC for 11 years is it due to increase and how does it compare with volunteering expenses policies? https://www.gov.uk/volunteering/pay-and-expenses#:~:text=Pay%20and%20expenses-,Pay%20and%20expenses,back%20more%20than%20you%20spent.
  • PR Matters Day 2.0
    you're not alone. It would be good to have some sort of practical workshop on how to do stuff on your phone or tablet. Basic intermediate and advanced even.
    Examples of the kinds of things people might be interested in - how to:
    set up a social media account on your phone, tablet or laptop
    find other accounts that would be useful to follow,
    post news items/share items
    tag profiles,
    set notifications for when people you follow post updates.
    set timers for when you want stuff to go out
  • Ringing for COP 26
    Edward Gildea, the Eco Church team leader at St Mary’s, Saffron Walden has set up a facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/ringoutforclimate and people are posting in there if they've arranged ringing, I found it via a Church Times article https://www.churchtimes.co.uk/articles/2021/22-october/news/uk/church-bell-ringers-urged-to-ring-out-a-code-red-warning-on-eve-of-cop26?fbclid=IwAR3a2huafAd27QjM0LuSOjL_8FV-KltL7C4kjnFgGUG6Ma9fyf6Y52-tQ7E
  • Take Up
    The old saying ' you can lead a horse to water...' springs to mind. There is loads of information available to those who want it, and if you are inspired and improving you are motivated to find it I guess. I think it comes down to the vastly different experiences to be had by all ringers depending on where they live and the type of ringing and learning available at their local tower. We've recently started a once a month focussed practice in addition to our weekly one, but neither have any theory, we are expected to locate what we need at home and revise.