• Pedant’s revolt

    You are reading an old book. I am happy to consider pedantry comments on Belfry Upkeep (https:\\belfryupkeep.cccbr.org.uk).
  • Plastic Rollers

    I don't know if you can buy the rollers directly - they are usually provided by bell hangers. You can find a list of those in the 'Specialist Services' chapter of Belfry Projects. (https://belfryprojects.cccbr.org.uk/115-specialists/). You may need the services of the bell hanger to install them, as they may not fit easily into an existing pulley box.
    A major advantage of plastic rollers is that, being lighter, they put less drag on the rope as it reverses direction on the ground pulley. Perhaps I should add that point to Belfry Upkeep!
  • Ringing 2030
    Several of these comments illustrate the interlinked nature of the problem. If the bells are in bad condition it is difficult to teach learners; if the ringing room is damp and grubby, with fly-blown out-of-date notices, then people won't be inspired to take up ringing as a hobby; ditto if the ringers are set in their ways and not welcoming of newcomers, and so on.
    All the ways of dealing with this seem to pick on specific elements. That's fine, but are people looking at the connections between these elements?
  • Ash for stays
    I suggest the problem isn't so much stays that snap like matchsticks (aside: who uses matches nowadays?) but stays that are so strong they don't break and defeat the idea that the stay is a 'weakest link' to prevent damage to other parts of the installation (mainly bearings, I guess).
  • Hard hats in belfries
    I agree with the comments about hard hats and the possible use of bump hats - that is covered in the H&S chapter of Belfry Upkeep. I know someone who was on a geology field trip. They were in the middle of a field and were told they had to wear hard hats. The only injury was when one of the hats blew off, bounced across the field and gave someone else a nasty gash on their face.
  • Central Council less democratic?
    Thanks for your appreciation of the online offerings, especially "Belfry Upkeep". The SM Workgroup are working on two further documents in the same format, covering "Running a Tower" and "Major Projects" (not necessarily the final names). One of the advantages of online documents is the ability to update rapidly in response to changes in regulations or comments (constructive, please) from users. Comments on Belfry Upkeep, addressed to , would be welcome.
  • Hastings Stays
    Alison has just passed the Historians comments on to me. "Rev Edward Hastings Horne" seems to have the most credibility.
  • Hastings Stays
    "Thorne" came from my copy of 'Manual of Belfry Maintenance', which we are trying to revise. And there are still four different initials floating around. It needs sorting out!
  • Environment and conditions in bell towers
    I agree with Simon about the value of maintenance contracts, and with AJB about the lack of hands-on mechanical knowledge. But local steeple keeping expertise is still needed, if only to spot something going wrong between two regular inspection visits.
  • Ash for stays
    Accepting the slight change of subject, many would argue that the Hastings design is a much better engineering solution. Difficult to set up maybe, but much less clunky and requiring much less maintenance. Talking about arguing, a good game when a group of ringers are in the pub is, quite innocently, to say "what do you think about Hastings stays?". I guarantee that some of them will still be there arguing when everyone else has gone home.
  • Brave New World
    I signed up in a personal capacity, not as a workgroup member. Unfortunately, I have been so busy with workgroup work (Simon, please note :smile: ). I found the summary email received today very useful. It has sparked off some posts.
  • Height of sallies
    The height of the sally should be the same whether the bell is up or down. If not, the garter hole is in the wrong place.
  • Bell muffles for Remembrance Sunday, funerals etc
    I was at Avon Ropes today to arrange a replacement stay. I discovered that they have now taken over Big Wilf's business - very amicably, I understand. Philip is an old friend of Big Wilf.