
  • Surrey Association MemberMojo example
    I'm not sure another national newsletter is needed..Ringing World and ART already cover the national space.

    May I suggest you have a look at Ringing Round Devon which is the quarterly newsletter for Guild of Devonshire Ringers. It's focus is on reporting news of our ringing community. I think promoting a sense of community in ringing is the key to what a territorial society is about. People progess in ringing due to who they know so the key thing Branch Officers should do is know their members and provide opportunities for everyone to take part and get to know other ringers.

    Perhaps a consideration to achieving a well run Branch is the size of a Branch membership and the geographical area it covers.
    I'd suggest the something manageable is approx 120 members and geographically 40 minutes to drive the length or width.
  • Ringing Survey
    "83% say they are looking to improve their ringing"
    Survey slide

    I expect a similar proportion of the population want to lose weight. But very few people actually put that wish into action. Losing weight requires commitment, self discipline, perserverance etc.

    Similarly, I'm sure most ringers want to improve, but it is very difficult to advance, not only do you need opportunities and know the right people, but you have to be very dedicated, and it takes a big investment of time both inside the tower and with learning methods in your own time.

    A useful follow-up question to this would be - how.

    For example, only at weekly practices in my own tower, through a branch mentoring programme, attending a weekend ringing course, attending a short course, regular attendance at focused practices, online ringing, quarterpeals etc...