
  • Safeguarding visiting ringers
    We need to differentiate between a donation to the church and a donation to the local ringers tower fund. The tower fund, sometimes called the rope fund, is often a form of donation to the church organised by the local ringers to cover wear and tear, sometimes even to the extent of providing new ropes. Some bands use it to save towards their own outings or a ringers' dinner. I am not sure, for the majority of cases, that a visiting band's donation could be regarded as a direct payment to the church itself.

    If it were a donation to the church, it could be gift aided.

    Now peal fees...
  • Rope spiders
    If you -
    1 Always ring the bells down
    2 Have a tendency to get stiff, damp ropes
    3 Have carpet on the floor -
    then I recomment leaving the ropes hanging down unknotted.
    You will find the damp problem is significantly reduced.