
  • Augmentation Conundrum
    We are planning on launching our own augmentation project next year. One of the questions we were asked was is this the right time to do it? My answer was that there always reasons not to do it but sometimes you just have to go for it.
  • Pop-up (roller) banner designs
    The Central Council have a few that can be borrowed or they can supply the artwork if you want buy your own.
  • Wedding ringing charges
    We offer a choice, either ringing out only for £250 or in and out for £300. If its out only then its £25 for the ringer, + £10 to 2 ringers to go and ring the bells up on the morning of the wedding + £50 into the tower fund. If its in and out then its £30 per ringer and +£60 into the tower fund.

    All couples are told that if ringing before the service then we will stop ringing at the scheduled start of the service. When ringing afterwards we will stop an hour after the scheduled start of the service. This is done with the full agreement of our clergy and PCC. Since this was started about 15 years ago it is very rare for us to have a bride which is more than a coupe of minutes late.
  • What activty was successful in raising awareness of ringing in your community?
    I make sure that ringing is regularly included on the church facebook and twitter pages. For example, last weekend we rang a quarter after the Remembrance Service and we got over 100 likes and positive comments from locals listening to the ringing. Also during lockdown last year, I ran a series so every week I posted about one of the inscriptions on one of or bells, with an occasional video of the bells ringing to keep people interested in the bells, so that when we restarted we didn't get any complaints.