• Simon Linford
    Has anyone dealt with a rehanging project where the application has been made for listed building consent rather than faculty? I have dealt with listed building consent applications in my normal work but not involving bells.

    Bells in a former church, Grade II*. Conservation officer has said he wants listed building consent application for taking the bells out, putting on new fittings (specifically ball bearings) and then putting them back, but I am just wondering how a Conservation officer who will never have come across a bell project before is going to react to the concept of replacing parts of original bell infrsatructure. I want to tune these bells as well but am not going to mention that!

    The project would find no objection if this was still a church and being decided under faculty.
  • Philip Pratt
    Have you thought about speaking with Matthew Higby? About 10 years ago he rehung the bells in the Lord Mayor's Chapel in Bristol? It's a Bristol City Council building with nothing to do with the diocease and no doubt a conservation officer was involved there.
  • Philip Pratt
    St Mary's Chester are currently having some work done to their bells and they too are a local authority church, so would guess a conservation officer is involved there too.
    Peterstone Wentloog (Priv ownership) are having minor works done to them as a result of being unrung for 20+ years and the building now in new ownershiop, the church there is currently awaiting on planning permission (and probably listed building consent) for full conversion into a domestic dwelling and no doubt they have a conservation officer on board with the works. The Newport ringers are probably the best point of contact there as they seem to be involved with the minor works to the bells.
  • Simon Linford
    I have submitted listed building consent application now, and having had some correspondence with the conservation officer he thinks it's quite interesting.
  • Neal Dodge
    At Redgrave in Suffolk planning permission was granted in 2012 to rehang the bells and augment but the work ultimately was blocked by the CCT who unsuccessfully objected to the planning application (another story!)
    If the link doesn’t work it’s reference 0777/12 on https://planning.baberghmidsuffolk.gov.uk
  • Philip Pratt
    Unsuccessful? It would seem that the CCT blocking of it has been successful so far given the project (according to Dove's guide) appears to have not gone ahead, but certainly, the supporting information provided will prove to be very useful for any projects where Planning Permission and Listed Planning Consent is required. There certainly seems to be more information provided than a typical faculty for a bells project.
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