• A J Barnfield
    There is a huge amount of material and support available. How do we improve take up? How do we get to a point where regular and frequent theory sessions are seen as normal?
  • Simon Linford
    Do you think that is something that has changed over time in your experience, or has it been forever thus? It is definitely the case that if you have a ringing session, taking 10 minute out to discuss theory or demonstrate something on the whiteboard feels like a loss of previous ringing time.
  • A J Barnfield
    Forever thus. What has improved greatly is the availability of information. I learnt the bits of theory I know from Wilson and Powels' books initially and from many chats down the pub with ringers who know far more about it than I ever will. And a fair few more recent publications have helped too but these days if I read something on Monday I have forgotten it by Wednesday, if not before.
  • Phillip George
    We are fortunate enough (sadly because we are all retired!) to be able to hold midweek daytime SIM practices. This is mainly to develop bell control skills but it gives us more time to discuss theory than on a practice night, which is predominantly given over to ringing. Theory can be anything - bell control, call changes, method structure etc. I also arrange dedicated theory sessions, if required, as and when ringers want to learn specific methods. Develop the team, make it interseting and exciting and this sort of thing could be arranged for many ringers in many towers, it's all a question of time and more importantly, effort!
  • Alison Everett
    The old saying ' you can lead a horse to water...' springs to mind. There is loads of information available to those who want it, and if you are inspired and improving you are motivated to find it I guess. I think it comes down to the vastly different experiences to be had by all ringers depending on where they live and the type of ringing and learning available at their local tower. We've recently started a once a month focussed practice in addition to our weekly one, but neither have any theory, we are expected to locate what we need at home and revise.
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