• John de Overa
    Excerpts from the Daily Mail article:

    The appeal, supported by the Central Council of Church Bell Ringers, which has 65 affiliated societies worldwide, became an international phenomenon. The Pope allowed the Great Bell in St Peter's Basilica in the Vatican to sound for Julie McDonnell and the Dalai Lama arranged for meditation bells to be rung in support at Dharamshala, his home on the edge of the Himalayas. Hand bells were rung over the North Pole at 38,000 ft on a flight from Gatwick to Vancouver, on the Great Wall of China, and by the Pyramids in Giza.

    The campaign was highlighted in the Church Times and meticulously documented in The Ringing World — 'the weekly journal for church bell-ringers since 1911' — which listed every parish in the country that had taken part on its online 'Bellboard'.

    On March 20, 2019, Julie McDonnell entered a plea of not guilty at Hastings Magistrates' Court. A seemingly straightforward prosecution, however, has dragged on interminably, with the defendant sometimes unable to attend court because she claimed she was suffering from multiple conditions including muscle weakness, PTSD, neurological problems, an eating disorder, and failing mental health which has, most recently, rendered her apparently mute. Now, four years on, there have been two sensational twists in this already extraordinary story.

    Last week, after at least 20 hearings, seven different judges and two sets of solicitors, with the taxpayer footing the bill, the theft charge against McDonnell was dropped at Lewes Crown Court and a formal verdict of 'not guilty' entered because it was decided there was little prospect, in the circumstances, of the case ever going to trial — even though a succession of the aforementioned judges suspected McDonnell was malingering, 'playing the system', to quote one.

    The bell-ringing campaign, it can also be revealed, was also based on a lie. Police discovered that Julie McDonnell had never undergone a stem cell transplant and could not, therefore, have been 'matched' with a compatible donor by the Anthony Nolan charity, as she had claimed.


    I believe all the QPs of the associated method have been removed from BB.
  • John Harrison
    I believe all the QPs of the associated method have been removed from BB.John de Overa

    I just did a search and found 804 performances.
    It would be completely unacceptable to distort the historic record by wholesale removal of performance records because someone took a retrospective dislike to the method name.
  • John de Overa
    from playing catch up on FB, it seems first the method name was redacted but the performances were left, now that's been reversed and the CC is looking at renaming the method.
  • J Martin Rushton
    This makes my blood boil. Terminal cancer is not a joke nor a way of soliciting false sympathy. Sufferers are faced with massively reduced lifespan, the prospect of a painful death and in the meantime slowly or quickly failing abilities and often uncomfortable medical interventions. If this woman thinks it clever to play on people's sympathies for fraudulent gain, then she has shown herself to be down amongst the lowest of the low.
  • Phillip George
    the CC is looking at renaming the method.John de Overa

    Why rename the method, that won't change anything. We can't undo what has been done, we only kid ourselves if we think we can!
  • J Martin Rushton
    Perhaps rename Julie McDonnell Doubles to be Carcinoma doubles. Appropriate and likely to put off anyone else!
  • David Smith
    I strongly agree with John Harrison - a record of a performance properly rung in good faith should not be removed because of subsequently emerging dodgy connections in its dedication or method name. I have mixed feelings about renaming the method - Julie has not actually been found guilty of anything, and while the whole story has a very bad smell to it, I don't think we should assume guilt when the court has recorded a Not Guilty verdict, even if for very dubious reasons. Currently I feel more anger about the court process then about any crime Julie may or may not have committed.
  • Graham John
    Even before the Daily Mail article laid it out, it was clear that Julie is a pathological liar and misled the public about the very large sums of money (£millions) that were and would be raised if ringers rang quarters and peals. The sum she was accused of stealing was small by comparison.

    If the methods are renamed, it does not change the historic performances printed in the Ringing World. Clearly those can't be changed. However, it would mean that the methods can be rung again in future without using her name.
  • John de Overa
    "Munchausen" seems to be available as a method name...
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