• Oliver Lee
    I was wondering if anyone might have any idea how I can perhaps improve my inside ringing ?, I am currently learning touches of plain bob and whilst I know the order of work I find it increasingly difficult to actually "see" where I am supposed to make a 3/4 down dodge. as you can imagine I am actually starting to find this particularly annoying as I want to ring a quarter peal on a bell other then the treble or tenor as well as being able to improve my overall ringing
    I hope someone has a good suggestion
    many thanks
    oliver lee
  • John de Overa
    the rule about when to make dodges in PB is dead simple - it's whenever the treble leads. However unless you are blessed with either good ropesight or good listening, that's a big ask.

    Another way of doing it is by watching where you pass the treble when hunting out - the relationship between when that is and where you make the next dodge is fixed, so even if a bob is called, the relationship still works. Best for you to work it out for yourself, you are more likely to remember it that way ;-)

    Alternatively, see if your tower will consider ringing something other than PBD for you, a method which in my opinion has finished off way more ringing careers than it ever progressed. A simple Minimus method with a cover will help you develop ropesight far more quickly than PB, and with that under your belt, you'll likely find Minor methods much easier to move on to.

  • Rosalind Martin
    Hi Oliver,
    That sounds really frustrating! It's not unusual to find down dodges harder than up dodges. Can you do them OK in the plain course? If so, how do you know what to do?
  • David Smith
    How are you deciding where to place your bell and how are you achieving this? Ideally you are counting each row, and know what position you should be in (as opposed to, for example, having learnt which bell to ring after, looking at that rope, and coming down after it). You have developed a feel of rhythm, so your hands and arms have got the hang of what you do to ring at constant speed as in rounds, or to hunt up (slower ringing) or down (faster ringing).

    You know the order of work so, after making seconds, you know your next work will be a 3-4 down dodge. So hunt to the back, then down to 3rd position and at that point give a slightly harder pull so you can let your bell rise higher so that you achieve 4th position at the backstroke, thus making the dodge. Listen and count - if you do this it doesn't matter if you can't "see" this dodge (i.e. you are not sure which bell you are dodging with). Of course ideally you will know what position to ring AND ALSO you will be able to see the ropes and so know who to dodge with. However it sounds as though maybe you are finding the ropesight ("seeing" which bell you are dodging with) difficult and worrying. If so, forget the 'seeing" and aim for now to concentrate on counting and listening rather than looking.
  • Nick Lawrence
    3-4 Down; PASS THE TREBLE; one other bell, then lead!
    I think PB6 is easier than PBD, as you only have dodges with which to deal; and not long 5ths.
  • Samuel Nankervis
    If you know the order of the work, you'll know when a 3/4 dodge is coming. With 3/4 down, plain hunt to 3rds place, ring back over the bell you've just passed (to 4ths place) then follow treble and the last bell before leading. Don't rush the lead, and then wait for the next bell, so you can go up into 2nds place, 3rds place, etc.
    Hope that helps.
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