• A J Barnfield
    Are the RW and CCCBR AGMs being live streamed tomorrow?

  • Robert Brown
    I think you've got your answer - I wonder how much the cost of travel , accommodation etc etc cost compared to running it on line - tis only a meeting - given the rising cost of fuel and damage to the planet there has got to be a better way.
  • PeterScott
    Top table apologised for the lack this year. Too complicated and expensive, they said.

    We ought to be able to run a hybrid meeting, though ...
  • A J Barnfield
    I am a tad disappointed. I (and I suspect others) have got rather used to sitting down in a comfy chair with a cup of cocoa and logging on to some event. Even our local association at the last AGM did a fine job or sorting out a hybrid meeting. When I was ranting on at a distance I think I was a disembodied voice echoing round the church. I suspect they just turned me off.

    It is all rather disappointing though. Here we are, gone 17:00hrs, and no updates that I can find anywhere about either AGM.
  • John de Overa
    I can't find anything on the CCBR website either. Even if it's "too complicated & expensive" to livestream, there's no reason why the sessions couldn't have been recorded and stuck on YouTube, and the slides put on the website.

    From the CCCBR 2021 Executive Report:

    The Executive has met monthly online either using Zoom or Teams, having benefitted from the experience of using online meetings to reduce travel and increase efficiency - one of the few good things to have come from the pandemic.

    Oh, the irony...
  • Tristan Lockheart
    The university wanted to charge over the odds for the use of their equipment. Let people breathe - it only finished 50 minutes ago!
  • Simon Linford
    To put the record straight, not being able to stream this meeting was a cause of extreme annoyance and embarrassment. It was a requirement of the organisation from the start that it was streamed - in fact we had wanted it to be a hybrid meeting so overseas members could join by zoom - but then we got a proposal from the university's outsourced IT provider, quite late in the day, asking us tfor £4k (gross) to have access to their IT and network to do it. We didn't think we could justify spending that amount on streaming it given the entire budget for the event was 8k, so we couldn't do it.
  • Simon Linford
    I think the talks have been recorded in order to be put on YouTube when some volunteer is able to do it. Most volunteers went straight from organising an AGM to organising a Roadshow and have not had time to breathe.
  • John de Overa
    thank you, I'll wait for a link to appear on the CCCBR website. The RW P/QP etc presentation looks particularly interesting, as a measure of how things are post-COVID.
  • PeterScott
    The RW P/QP etc presentation looks particularly interesting, as a measure of how things are post-COVID.John de Overa

    RW Peal totals

    RW QP totals

    From my seat. If the year-key is not too clear, then an entertaining quiz ... :-)
  • John de Overa
    I think I've found some related slides in the Meeting Papers, pages 18-25, but not the ones from the pictures you linked to. And I'd still like to hear the presentation :grin:
  • A J Barnfield
    I am getting a web site warning from those two links...
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